Review UTS Bahasa Inggris I BSI Semester 1

1.      He = His
She = ...
a.       Him
b.      My
c.       Its
d.      Her
e.       Their
2.      Hi Brian, who’s your favorite singer?
The underlined word has synonym meaning with ...
a.       Preference
b.      Fancied
c.       Possessive
d.      Best
e.       Goodness
3.      I have ..... at 7.30 pm.
a.       Lunch
b.      Extra lunch
c.       Supper
d.      Dinner
e.       Breakfast
4.      A:Would you like to ..... out on Saturday?
B:Of course
a.       Goes
b.      Gone
c.       Going
d.      Go
e.       Went
5.      Sheila : Hi, Bruno. Where ..... you work?
Bruno : Hello, Sheila. I work ....  Siloam Hospital.
a.       Does, at
b.      Do, in
c.       Does, on
d.      Do, at
e.       Do, on
6.      Andrea : Hi Josh, how are you?
Josh : I’m fine. What about you?
Andrea : well, I have two tickets music concert. Would you like to come with me?
Josh : I’m sorry, I .... go with you because I have another job.
a.       Would
b.      Can
c.       Can’t
d.      Never
e.       Will
7.      A : Where do you come from?
B : I .... Thailand.
a.       Is from
b.      Come from
c.       Came from
d.      Are from
e.       Am from
8.      A : Is Mrs. Gray from United States?
B : No, she ......., she is from Chicago.
a.       Was not
b.      Was
c.       Is not
d.      Were
e.       Is
9.      There is no price tag. The underlined words has a synonym meaning with ...
a.       Rewarding
b.      Present
c.       Money
d.      Gift
e.       Value
10.  I like the wool one better. The italic word is based word of ...
a.       Than
b.      Worst
c.       Best
d.      Bad
e.       Good
11.  A : What .... He do?
B : He goes to school everyday.
a.       Are
b.      Does
c.       Were
d.      Is
e.       Do
12.  A : Excuse me, How much .... those oranges?
B : Those are $5/kilo.
a.       Are
b.      Am
c.       Was
d.      Is
e.       Were
13.  C : How ... is the cake?
W : What do you mean?
C : I mean the price of the cake
W : Oh, it is $10.
a.       Many
b.      Much
c.       Some
d.      Few
e.       Little
14.  Much               ><  Little
Expensive        ><  ...
a.       Some
b.      More
c.       Too much
d.      Cheap
e.       Many
15.  A : How ... money do you have?
B : I have $ 5 for shopping
a.       Some
b.      Many
c.       Little
d.      Few
e.       Much
16.  My brother is a university student. ..... name is carlos.
a.       Hers
b.      Their
c.       Our
d.      Her
e.       His
17.  Richard : Hello, are you Brian?
Brian : Yes, I am and what is your name?
Richard : Sorry, how do you ... that?
Brian : B-R-I-A-N
a.       Spell
b.      State
c.       Sound
d.      Say
e.       Mention
18.  Doctor             >< Hospital
Teacher            >< ....
a.       School
b.      College
c.       Airport
d.      Rail station


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